Shell: ‘Hey millennials, natural gas is great’

How do you do, fellow kids? The guys at Shell have got a new YouTube video just for you. ‘Why can’t you have a hybrid house?’ is all about the future of energy, but don’t let that put you off.
Meet Jenna and Corey, two definitely real young people, living in a definitely real house.
Corey (blue hair) wants to “live clean”. As you can tell from this disappointing looking meal she’s cooking.
These two are just fun-loving young women, like you, who are passionate about making the world better, “without giving up all things that enable us to enjoy our lives”.
Jenna, like most millennials, enjoys making drones.
She’s also quite the artist. Just look at these bird houses/decorative security cameras she designed.
Jenna builds solar panels too. Which makes this shot absolutely necessary.
But don’t worry, kids. These two aren’t crazy hippies.
As Corey helpfully explains: “In a few decades we might be able to rely solely on solar and wind energy. But we can’t do that right now. The best way for us to run right now is using natural gas.”
You guys! Shell were just thinking the same thing!
Ben Van Beurden, Shell CEO, said in June 2015: “The benefits of natural gas are well-documented. It is flexible. Its supply is abundant and diverse. Its range of uses is still expanding. It is a low-carbon, clean-burning ally to renewables such as solar and wind. And it makes economic sense.”
In fact, Shell have gone BIG on natural gas recently.
Earlier this year, the oil company was crowd-sourcing promotional films touting natural gas as the solution to climate change.
This included offering $50,000 to young video makers to make a video about how gas can power a greener future.
Emails, obtained by Greenpeace, sent by Shell to the PR company Zooppa before the launch of the competition stated: “you should NOT mention on your storyboard Arctic Oil – you can mention instead oil, gas, wind, nuclear energy.”
Shell has also been keen to be seen as an important voice in the climate debate in the run-up to the UN climate conference.
But the company’s own projections on climate change are consistent with around four degrees of global warming, considerably more than the two degrees most scientists agree would lead to catastrophic climate change.
Shell refused to answer Unearthed’s questions about whether Jenna and Corey’s video was the winner of the Zooppa competition, and also failed to tell us anything about who the two women are.
We’ll just have to assume that they’re too busy driving around in their hybrid car, putting up solar panels, and cooking on gas, ALWAYS gas, to get back to us.